Daniel was interested to know the meaning of the names of classes in his school. We started with Grace, his class.
"It means something given that you do not deserve."
" You mean like TV and computer time?" Daniel asked.
" Kind of, but it is more like we do not deserve forgiveness from God but He did."
Then we talked about Faith. This was easy. Believe.
" Mummy, which one is more important?"
" Well, if I must choose, maybe as a Christian, I'll think it is important to be able to believe and trust God each day. But prebelievers might appreciate God's grace."
" Mummy, you are wrong! Prebelievers need Faith to believe in God and we need Grace."
It is interesting that he has his opinion and way of looking at things that challenges my thinking.
Daniel is doing very well in school. He is getting mostly full score for Maths and English. Chinese is a great challenge for him. While he may be getting close to full score for Chinese Spelling, he could not handle oral at all. This June holiday, he needs to prepare for his Chinese show and tell in Term 3! This is really tough!