Friday, May 29, 2009

Grace Vs Faith

Daniel was interested to know the meaning of the names of classes in his school. We started with Grace, his class.
"It means something given that you do not deserve."
" You mean like TV and computer time?" Daniel asked.
" Kind of, but it is more like we do not deserve forgiveness from God but He did."
Then we talked about Faith. This was easy. Believe.
" Mummy, which one is more important?"
" Well, if I must choose, maybe as a Christian, I'll think it is important to be able to believe and trust God each day. But prebelievers might appreciate God's grace."
" Mummy, you are wrong! Prebelievers need Faith to believe in God and we need Grace."
It is interesting that he has his opinion and way of looking at things that challenges my thinking.

Daniel is doing very well in school. He is getting mostly full score for Maths and English. Chinese is a great challenge for him. While he may be getting close to full score for Chinese Spelling, he could not handle oral at all. This June holiday, he needs to prepare for his Chinese show and tell in Term 3! This is really tough!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Daniel made a card for me for Mother's Day. He uses my name as an acronym.
Tea lover
I love you
I really like Effortful! He coin the word to say that I put in effort...

We were watching some TV program on Monday. There was this advertisement about a movie where someone said, " We will grow up to be like our mums."
"How tragic!" was the reply.
I asked 2 of my daughters if it will be tragic if they grow up to be like me. Without any doubt, they answered, "No, it's not tragic!"
I am happy they feel this way!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Our VP office in Singapore had a dedication of our new office today.Since I was helping with the refreshment for this event, my morning was unusually tight. I intended to walked Daniel across the road and rush back to complete my preparation of the refreshment but Daniel had something else on his mind. He had asked this question upteen times:
"Why did God born me into this world?"
My standard answers like, you are really special to God ... could not stop him from asking over and over again. I thought about it briefly and told him,
"You are a caring boy. God sent you here to care for others." He was not impress with my answer. "But there are others who are more caring than me."
To help him understand that it is possible to have several individuals with common contribution, I illustrated using his second sister who is good with the piano.
"There are many people who are good with the piano too besides your sister."
He was upset and told me,
" I am not talking about talent!"
He is seriously thinking why did God put him here on earth; something that only he can do! As I was in quite a big hurry, I had to just assure him that he will know when he gets older.
As I hurried home I could not believe that my 7 year old had reached that stage of self actualisation which is the highest level in our hierarchy of needs.
Later in the evening, I repeated the story to Joycelyn. She shared that God put us here to share the good news! I felt so proud of her. Then Daniel protested and said,
"But that's papa's job. That's why he got so many 'chop' on his passport."
Ha,ha! I sure have a wonderful bunch of kids!