Wow! Did not realise that I had no time to blog since September! Yes, PSLE may be over but there is a pile of work that I need to attend to and troops of kids showing up in our home after school. My record was baking 6 pizzas, cook 60 fishballs and 1.2 kg of macaroni and cheese for Joycelyn's class party on Wednesday in 2 hours!
Daniel had completed his English and Maths paper. Still need to prepare for Chinese paper on Monday! Really cannot remember the kids studying for exams in P1 but Daniel deligiently followed the teacher's instructions during the PSLE marking days break and flipped thru his files. There seems so much to cover to prepare him for the exams that I cannot believe he is just in P1! It is a different world now.
My ministry in Evangelism Com is enlarging my circle of confidence in doing new stuff. Managed to assemble 6 creative outreach program for Christmas in just one evening! ( Although thoughts and ideas were flying around in my mind for weeks maybe months!) Right now, I am in the process of organising a team to produce a video CD " Reason for the Season" to be used for outreach purposes.
Really excited about that and am looking forward to see God at work!