JoyAnn loves anything purple! She is our family's best trained musician; oboe n piano. She did well for her 'O' level and is in a JC of her choice. We are very proud of her. She is very diligent in her work and very compassionate about the needs of people around her. Since young, her primary school teachers had been telling us that she is very special. All the kids would rush up the bus when they were going for some excursion, but she would let others go up first. Her kind character was acknowledged when she was awarded the Singa Award both in Primary and Secondary School .
She was upset with me for getting some pokemon balls for Daniel. She felt that I had double standard. When they were young, I did not allow them to watch pokemon. I search myself to see if I had 'backslided'! My conclusion is that when I stopped my kids from watching, it was out of love for them. When I bought the toy for Daniel, it is also out of love for him. Maintaining uniformity in my expressions of love just cannot be the measure. Honestly, this is from my heart!
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