Monday, September 22, 2008

Last week, we were praying that we as parents will be good role model. It was very humbling to have Daniel as my personal junior Holy Spirit. It was very late at night and I was making the bed; putting on clean sheets. Told Daniel to help me pull the corners and he was jumping around on it. I told him very firmly to get off the sheets and he moved aside and told me very seriously that I need to eat more peaches! He was referring to his fruit of the Spirit book he learned during church camp and it is suppose to represent peace. He asked me why I sounded fierce. I said that I am angry. Then he told me: "When you are angry, you should hold your tongue"! That's what he had learned and is preaching to me!!! On one hand, I am proud of my son, and on the other hand, I was totally humbled that I need to watch my actions and behavior. Thank you Lord for this important lesson!

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